
Hi! I’m Ingrid Wadsworth, and I want to help you break the invisible barriers holding you back from your best life! I’ve spent a lifetime committed to helping women and girls rise in their careers. Now in retirement, I have refocused on helping Gen X women retire into the lives they’ve always envisioned.

My life has been beautifully diverse. I’ve been a mother of three, a world traveler, a philanthropist, a teacher, a wife, a widow, a politician, a first-generation American, and for the past 30+ years, a woman executive.

Known amongst my friends as always having something bold and exciting in the works, I have lived in SE Asia, driven across the Serengeti, started several successful startup businesses, survived boating across Lake Michigan in a storm, and pet-sit my way across Europe. Born and raised in the NW Chicago area, I raised my kids in Wisconsin and now call Florida home.

Throughout my travels, I’ve talked with hundreds of mid-life women. This is the demographic I want to help the most. Gen X women, who in 2024 are 44-59 years old, are beginning to discover, in their hearts, that the career they chose decades ago is losing its luster, coworkers are annoying, and the kids (and sometimes husbands) are now gone. These women ask me about what’s next. They want to know their options for living their own lives — or their next life chapter. I am you.

About My Company Name

Four years ago, my spouse passed away. We had been saving intensely for retirement with plans to retire in three years, so I decided to retire ahead of schedule a few months later. I began an accelerated journey of healing from my grief and discovery of who I was without him, my job, and my last child graduating college and moving out. I began to see the number 34 everywhere. Every time I looked at a clock, or saw a license plate or had a receipt, I saw this number. I also began to see number patterns, such as 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33 constantly. I have a long-time friend who is a medium. She said that these are nudges from the universe, synchronicities, is a message and seeing them correlates to a specific “angel number.”

So I looked up angel number 34. It symbolizes “new beginnings.” It’s a sign of having skills and creativity to positively affect your future. I loved that so much because it reflected the work I was doing and the direction I was heading so I decided to name my company “Direction Thirty Four LLC” to honor that symbolism.

My Goals

I have been on a lifelong journey to make connections with other strong women. I strive to live a life of intention, through minimizing both material things and lifestyle and supporting mental health. I am a foodie who enjoys quality local foods, permaculture gardening, beach-bumming, and outdoor living.

My goal is to serve as your guide and provocateur to think about things that society and — our past partners — did not give us a chance to think about.

My goal is to inspire you into creative ways of thinking about your future.

My goal is to empower you to know who you are, outside of all the roles and titles that society — and yourself — imposed or self-imposed, to know that you have the power to choose a life you want and to figure out what that life feels like.

So, let’s do this. Let’s help you discover who you are and how to get the life you deserve.

With gratitude…

Want to learn more about my guides? Click here. Or reach out to me via my contact form here.